Al Bethune has been living in the territory now for nearly 25 years where Road time is part of life. Al is a found object assembulator. Rubbish and found objects, often from roadside stops become the material for manifesting musings within his art.
“Road time for me is peace of mind. It’s almost meditative and the distances in the territory allow a mind to un(t)ravel a sense of motion, sense of time and space-travel has a place in the psyche of all of us. I particularly enjoy when your mind drifts, when your eyes glimpse things that almost aren’t there. The wordplays through modified signage are fun. They’re an imagining of having other of life’s highways signposted.
The excitement
The departures
The adventure
The accidents and happenings
The celebration
The arrivals
The meetings
The spirit of the road”
Al shares this experience through this exhibition.
Read more about Al here: Don't fence me in: Trash